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Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering


Cambridge MRes

The first-year MRes consists of an intense 11-month timetable comprising of a number of taught modules, labs and projects, as well as transferable skills events such as presentation skills, writing skills, industrial tour, entrepreneurial talks and conference organising. Each MRes student also has a past MRes student as a mentor throughout there studies.

The MRes was a tough challenge. I had to work harder than ever but in return I accomplished more than I would have ever imagined. 

Katjana Lange, MRes


The modules cover a vast area of Ultra Precision Engineering taught at Cambridge, Cranfield and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). These modules are mostly taught in week blocks with the assignment being set at the end. Where students are taught in block weeks away from Cambridge, accommodation is provided.

Lab classes

The laboratory classes also cover in-depth areas of Ultra Precision Engineering being taught at Cambridge and Cranfield, these are taught in one- or two-day intervals, with a write up being the main assessment.  

Mini individual project

The students are offered a number of mini project options from supervisors who are willing to support these projects. The projects start in January and complete in March, with the assessment consisting of a mid-term presentation, end of project presentation and poster, and assignment. The projects are spread across the ultra precision community within the UK, with some time spent at the supervisor’s location, and the remainder at Cambridge.

Long projects

After a two-week break of leave the students return after Easter to start their long projects. Students typically work on industrial focused topics during their project, working alongside the CDT-UP project partners. Once again, these may be located at another University within the UK, or industry, so the student’s time is split between the two locations. These projects must be in an alternative area to the mini project. The students are expected to write an assignment on their project, along with a short presentation at a viva in the September.

MRes assessment

In order to obtain a pass, students registered for the MRes in Ultra Precision Engineering will be required to obtain an average of 60% of greater over the 5 modules, and 8 labs, and 2 projects, as 3 components.

Cases of marginal failure (i.e. 55%–59%) in one of the three components of the degree may be redeemed by high performances in the other two elements (at least an average of 70%).

Students who achieve an exceptional performance (i.e. greater than 75% average in all three components) may be awarded a distinction.

Photographer: Chris Williamson