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Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering


The Masters Students partake in a number of Transferable Skills events during their first year. Transferable Skills are skills acquired through any activity – not just their research – that can be applied in other situations.

Transferable skills aim to make students more effective learners now, and more attractive to employers in the future.

We offer many different classes and skills sets to our students; below are some recommendations:

  • Seven Secrets of Effective Researchers
  • Presentation Skills with 1-2-1 feedback
  • 1-2-1 Skills Analysis
  • Belbin Assessment
  • Library Skills
  • Writing Workshop

The way that presentation and speaking skills are developed on the CDT has given me a lot more confidence than I would have otherwise had. 

Jon Parkins, PhD

Enterprise Tuesday

Enterprise Tuesday is a series of free evening lectures and networking sessions managed and delivered by The Entrepreneurship Centre.

The programme aims to introduce participants to the world of business, as well as to encourage and inspire individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial ambition. It is the most popular non-assessed programme within the University and the model has been adopted by numerous other academic institutions as well as corporations.

Visit the The Entrepreneurship Centre website for the timetable of lectures and register to attend.

Research and Communications Club

All first year PhD students are required to attend a Research and Communications Club. The RCC is held every Friday afternoon at the IfM during the Michaelmas term; sessions include: library skills, presentation skills, writing skills and time management.

The Manufacturing and Management RCC culminates in the first year PhD conference during the Easter term where students must present a 20-minute talk to their peers, supervisors and other colleagues. In advance of the conference each student also will prepare a paper on their work (submitted directly to their supervisor) and an abstract for the conference abstract booklet. In addition, at the end of the conference, all students will be required to present a poster on their research in a poster session at the end of the conference to IfM colleagues.