Francisco is currently a third year PhD student at the IfM under the supervision of Professor Bill O’Neill.
Francisco studied a B.Sc in Mechatronics, he then studied for an M.Sc in Manufacturing systems at Tecnologico de Monterrey which included a six month research stay at Rutgers University.
In 2012, he joined the Center for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision at the University of Cambridge where he obtained an MRes degree in 2013.
Research interests
- Laser & ion beam micromachining
- Ultra-fast laser-matter interaction
Research project
Francisco's project page.
Manufacturing scalability for the production of cold emission cathodes.
M. Cahay, P. T. Murray, T. C. Back, S. Fairchild, J. Boeckl, J. Bulmer, K. K. K. Koziol, G. Gruen, M. Sparkes, F. Orozco and W. O'Neill. Hysteresis during field emission from chemical vapor deposition synthesized carbon nanotube fibers . Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 173107 (2014).
Steven B. Fairchild, John S. Bulmer, Martin Sparkes, John Boeckl, Marc Cahay, Tyson Back, P. Terrence Murray, Gregg Gruen, Matthew Lange, Nathaniel P. Lockwood, Francisco Orozco, William O’Neill, Catharina Paukner and Krzysztof K. K. Koziol. "Field emission from laser cut CNT fibers and films ." Journal of Materials Research, Volume 29, Issue 03 2014, pp392-402.