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Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering



Adam obtained a First Degree in Physics, before undertaking Post Graduate studies in Physics at the University of Leeds where he scored the equivalent of a First Class. He has served as an Officer in the Territorial Army and used the skills that he gained to develop a career in Management.

Adam has been awarded the equivalent of a First Class for his taught Masters in Microsystems & Nanotechnology and is now undertaking his Doctorate in Space Optics.

Research Interests

  • Acoustic Optical Devices
  • High Power Lasers
  • Reactive Atom Plasmas
  • Nuclear Fusion

Current Research

Adam's project page.

Adam is currently working on Laser Assisted Reactive Atom Plasma Processing for Ultra Precision Engineering of Space Optics.

Advances in Acoustic Optical Devices demand higher quality surface finishes; these systems need to have greater resolution: thus optical systems need to be fabricated from new techniques that can offer the high form accuracy that is required. The proposed method to achieve this is by a new energy beam process.

This energy beam process involves activating a plasma, whereby controllable sized laser beams could be injected into the plasma region to create a material removal process having high processing speed and nano-meter levels of control.


A. Bennett et al., 2016, Microwaves enable activated plasma figuring for ultra-precision fabrication of optics, EUSPEN International Conference, Nottingham.

A. Bennett et al., 2016, Designing, Commissioning, Implementing & Testing of Prototype Plasma Systems, 27th International Symposium on Plasma Physics & Technology, Prague.

A. Bennett et al., 2017, Microwave plasma technology for ultra-precision applications, Institute Of Physics - Plasma Physics Symposium, Loughborough.

A. Bennett et al., 2018, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Etching of Crystal Quartz, EUSPEN International Conference, Venice.

Other Interests

Adam has a passionate interest in Medieval Fencing, Medieval History and Heraldry. He is also a Scuba Diving Instructor, acts as an Undergraduate Mentor at his alma mater, sits on a Committee Board and sings in a choir.

Cranfield University
 Adam  Bennett
Not available for consultancy

